Hey There,

I wanted to quickly thank you for your interest in our brand and the clothes we create. Our team works incredibly hard to make this all happen, so your support means the world to us.

If you decide to stick around, you will no doubt see some really cool sh*t happen.

Tyler Ramirez

Founder, Deadstar


This brand embodies the journey of a dead star. One that, while it may have dimmed in its old form, has the potential for rebirth and renewal. Just like a star that collapses in on itself and then explodes, we see fashion as a catalyst for personal evolution.

When you choose to wear Deadstar, you are not merely buying clothing; you are embracing the journey of becoming your best self. It's about feeling incredible in your own skin and wearing your confidence as your most cherished accessory. It's about self-respect, self-expression, and self-empowerment.

We want you to stand in front of your mirror and see not just fabric draped on your body, but the promise of a new beginning—a fresh chapter in your life's story. It's the realization that by taking that higher regard for your personal fashion, you're taking the first bold step towards a life filled with self-confidence and ambition.

III. Mission Statement.

Our mission is to inspire a community of individuals who strive for more—more self-love, more self-expression, more self-confidence. We invite you to join us on this journey of growth, empowerment, and self-discovery through fashion.